
¿ “Mentoring” o BLV ?

Leo en un diario (ver here la noticia del Huffingston Post) que un becario de 21 años ha muerto después de trabajar de forma exhaustiva durante 3 días seguidos en la sucursal londinense del Bank of America.

Moritz Erhardt, que había finalizado sus estudios en la Universidad de Michigan en mayo, estaba realizando un programa de prácticas y solo le quedaban 7 días para finalizarlo. Después de trabajar tres días seguidos, llegó a su residencia de estudiantes y se dio una ducha, cuando presuntamente sufrió un ataque epiléptico y falleció.

El suceso ha despertado una gran controversia en los medios británicos, y varios banqueros han relatado que algunos jóvenes trabajan de forma voluntaria 14 horas al día o más de 100 hours a week with the intention of advancing the company.

The competitiveness in our college kids live today is overwhelming. Years ago the possession of a college degree opened doors for a job more or less in line with professional and financial effort expectations. Today, final-year students or recent graduates are given with a song in your teeth if you get a job or a scholarship practices of large companies offered in collaboration with schools. Among those lucky fellows have met and lazy bums who came to work and tiresome routine plan but I've also seen real lions in enthusiasm, proactiveness and desire to earn a spot in the organization.

Not all transits of certain fellows anodyne by companies are just the result of his own negligence. It is fair to say that the boss's attitude regarding newcomers trainees is paramount. There is much neglect by those who should take them by the hand and guide them in learning. So much pressure is currently, commitment both unattainable, many concurrent tasks, do not have time to deal with the new, let alone who surely disappear forever after practices.

When you're young and you're fortunate to find a mentor who enjoys be, transmitting their skills, taught through their experiences and communicate their know-how, it is normal that there is a common explosion of enthusiasm that is fed with daily practice to convert the young novice in a pro. But this is not so common. The prevailing practice to the trainee or the "new" policy is usually BLV = Find yourself Life.

No wonder that for years many young people adopt attitudes of "executive-aggressive" and help maximize their duties and powers to advance in the company competitively. Which sometimes can be costly, as the young Moritz, protagonist of the story mentioned at the beginning.

Moritz's death may be an isolated case and fortuitous, but what was the cause of the 44 employees suicides France Telecom between 2008 and 2010? It attributed to excess pressure, competitive internal stress in the vicinity of the company, and France Telecom ended up in court for bullying at work, and Didier Lombard, its CEO was fired.

Let it here, because bullying at work is another story, Moustache and the funny waiter said the Billy Wilder film,Irma la Douce (1963), when they began their imaginary stories concluyéndolos with its repeated phrase "but that's another story ..."


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One Response to ¿ “Mentoring” o BLV ?

  1. glasal says:

    Triste pero cierto. Cada uno no solamente en el trabajo va a su ritmo y los demás BLV, que pena.

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