
Running Out “welfare state” European

The first official speech of the new King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands in the opening of the Dutch parliamentary year has been amazing. The 17 September 2013 will go down in history as the first declaration of death of “welfare state” European was a major achievement in the second half of the twentieth century.

Disservice makes the Dutch government, author of the speech, the newly enthroned King, who uttered phrases such as the following:"The classic welfare state will disappear". The classic welfare state is being transformed into a “participatory society”.  “Every Dutch must adapt to the changes ahead”. “All they have capacity to do, must take responsibility for your own life and your environment " “el clásico ¨welfare state¨evoluciona despacio, pero de forma inexorable, hacia una sociedad más participativa en la que se espera que los ciudadanos cuiden también de sí mismos y desarrollen soluciones en el marco de la sociedad civil para cuestiones como su bienestar en la jubilación”

It is unrealistic (Reality) the same king who walked in golden chariot few weeks ago that one of the leading European countries in social progress are such sad omens spokesmen for Europe. Holland currently faces a growing unemployment of 6,5% which is estimated to reach 7,5% in 2014, which for the Dutch is inconceivable, why not head fits in unemployment as the Spanish 26,26%. Besides its deficit is running wild and grow to 3,3% planned for next year. Nor is comparable to the Spanish who aspires to a target of 6,5% at the end of 2013.

The Dutch government, with social democratic coalition, has decided to push his people toward a “participatory society”, we do not know exactly what else besides mean it's over so much grant and state aid.'s new cuts announced mainly in health and pensions amounting to 6.000 million in addition to the 46.000 million of adjustments that Holland has approved since 2010. Unsurprisingly these restrictive policies are rejected by a 80 percent of the population, according to the polls recently presented by the television channel NOS.

The Netherlands is low hours. Contaminated by the crisis came from the other side of the world and we resemble españolizan in cuts. It turns out that the official Holland applauds the dismantling of the welfare state and envy Spanish Spanish family culture that supports high unemployment helping other members in need, seems to have shown a Dutch philosopher. Could that be why the new Kings of Holland just spend the summer in Andalusia, and visit other countries before landing his plane in Torrejón piloted by William King himself?

Irresponsibility that crossed central Europe countries “PIGS” by spending money that their banks had lent to as “respectable” as high interest, suffering the throes of a crisis that never seem to end.

The demise of the welfare state is now official. Europe also celebrated her funding in excess of other, now losing one of its greatest values ​​without yet clearly in sight how to rise from this situation of decay.

¿No será que tanto estado del bienestar se ha vuelto insostenible en algunos países? ¿No será que la burocracia del Estado se reproduce lujuriosamente como bien predijo el profesor Parkinson (*) becoming unsustainable?

At the end, este lío se resume, as saying that, in a nutshell: IN-SUSTAINABLE.


(*) C. Enunciated his famous Northcote Parkinson Parkinson's Law in his book “Parkinson: the low” (1957)


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One Response to Running Out “welfare state” European

  1. G.Rasal says:

    Pues nada entre nos, creo que el estado de bienestar se acabará para los holandeses porque aquí no se si
    estarás de acuerdo está muy enfermo hace rato, in the end………………paciencia, que poco se puede hacer,
    in the end…….

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