
Monthly Archives: September 2013

Intelligent Emotion

Mi amiga María Claudia Londoño me había invitado a asistir el pasado jueves a la conferencia de Andrés Encinas , General Manager of the Hotel Husa Princesa in Madrid. No personally knew the lecturer, especially moved me personally reconnect with Maria Claudia. She is a special woman. Con múltiples vivencias a través de su extensa experiencia …

Rejoice because

Me gusta mucho asistir a las entregas de diplomas de los jóvenes titulados. Las lecciones magistrales, discursos académicos y el canto del Gaudeamus Igitur al final del acto me emocionan, quizás por el recuerdo de mis años mozos. Hace dos años presencie la ceremonia de ICAI-ICADE con lección magistral de  Amparo Moraleda, quien desde junio de 2001, …

Running Out “welfare state” European

The first official speech of the new King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands in the opening of the Dutch parliamentary year has been amazing. The 17 September 2013 will go down in history as the first declaration of death of “welfare state” European was a major achievement in the second half of the twentieth century. Flaco …

The “broker” I wanted to retire before age 40 years old

My colleague Jorge told me in the 2000 bubbling right in the "dotcom": – I have a friend on Wall Street broker. We were mates at school desk. He made the U.S. economic and found a good broker post,it's like there call the agents of change and bag. It is gaining while …

“Meritocracy” vs lobbies in the Olympics

What venue will be chosen to host the Olympic Games of 2020: Istanbul, Tokyo or Madrid? For decades the celebration of the Olympics and representing the exaltation of sports, becomes a fabulous business and international political springboard. The place of the meetings is not chosen for objective and meritorious, but …

Will a TOP acting as Caballo de Troya?

Do you remember the opening scene of "Hamlet" at the castle of the King of Denmark? "Something is rotten in Denmark," said the sentry Marcelo, to which the Prince Hamlet, son of the late King, answered: "To me I can only silence". Currently also is smelling something rotten in a neighboring country. Finland is moved …